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WTF?!? Not Again....


Welcome to our newest link...Nelle!! Somewhere in making the new page it also seems that someone forgot one of my favorite links....Superfly! Well, that's gonna be corrected too.

Here's a couple of facts that I've found interesting about the people who visit this site:
Percentage of people who use a Mac to visit: 2.7%, now this wouldn't be all that big of a deal, but with as few people visiting this site, I think that it's bloody cool that I'm getting any Mac hits at all.
By time zone, since I've had my site meter added:
57 hits from Pacific
11 Mountain
9 Central
20 Eastern
3 hits outside of U.S.
This last part makes me especially happy. Perhaps someday I'll be an internationally recognized imbecile.

These sort of things fascinate me quite a bit. Anyway, crappy poem time!


I've got my personal Utopia
All figured out
You see,
In my version of paradise
Rob Van Damm would have mike skills
The world would realize
That the reason we have different religions
Is because different people
Need to see God in thier own way
And it doesn't much care if you worship it
As a sexless, bodyless expanse of energy
Or in a thousand faces
In my perfect world
We could persue our intrests
Without the fear of where
The next meal is coming from
And all the utilities
Would be provided cheaply by the government
And the govenment
Wouldn't try thier best to make
Each of us faceless robots
And laws would be reduced to almost nothing
Because if you aren't hurting anyone but yourself
Why should you be jailed?
Killers would simply vanish
Without the media spectacle
And no one would rubberneck
At an accident
And the people of the world
Would be good enough to govern themselves
And would not hate each
Instead reveling in thier differences
With no fear
No prejudice
Filled with each doing his own Will
And not minding another's

PS I've just been informed that Superfly's page is gone bye-bye...damn

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