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"Monkey-Toss Extravaganza"


Hello world!!!! Do you like the new look? This brand-new psudo-spooky HTML format is brought to you courtesy of Jen. She has certainly kicked much ass in making this page. I'm exceedingly happy with it. She also did some very interesting editing. Look back and see if you can tell where she interjected herself, it'll be fun. A million thanks to Jen-Jen.

I watched a documentary on professional wrestling that Raymond rented tonight. It compared modern Pro Wrestling to passion plays, Shakesperian Theatre, Roman and Greek gladitorial games, ballet, and many other things. Can't we just keep it simple, and go guilt free. Wrestling may be a little like each of these things, but let's not overthink the comparisons. It is simply another form of entertainment. That's it. That's really all there is too it. We don't need to artistically compare it anything. There should be no guilt in watching it.

Oh, fuck it, here's a new poem.


We are the royalty of vagabonds
Sleeping at the borderland
Of memory and forgetfullness
We are the children of a new mythology
Creating worlds from words and thought
We spin the propaganda
Of future generations on our
Binary looms
We must take great care
In the messages we send
For they are the fabric
That will blanket tomorrow
Our illusions have the power
To shatter the realities of
Those who care to listen
Our flaws will be digested
Into the hearts of a thousand years
If we are not careful


Shit. That's all I have right now. Hopefully I'll be able to take this further at another time.


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