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Around the Block and To the Moon


Nelle, that's true enough. At least the potato salad is consistantly an crappy to everyone. Or is that just the potato salad that I make? By the way, I read through your web page a little, and it reminded me of a few things I haven't mentioned here. As most of you are well aware, I'm not fond of Christians in general. I would like to point out however, that Christianity in and of itself is not bad, as long as you are a Christian for the right reasons, and you don't use your religion to justify crappy actions. What do I mean by crappy actions? 1)Passing judgement on others because they do not believe the same way you do. You do not have that right, no person does. 2)Using obscure and out of context verses from your bible to condone violent actions toward anyone. I once knew of a man who used bible verses to condone his abuse of his children. People like that make me violent myself, and I hate having to be violent. (Besides, haven't we all ready seen a little too much use of religion as a weapon over the years, not to mention the past month alone). No true god will ever tell you to hate, men have only interperated and (in some cases translated, such as poor self-loathing KJ) verses to justify hatred.

Now Nelle, this lecture is not ment to target you specifically, because I have no knowlege of what kind of Christian you are. It's just that you happen to be of that faith, and it happened to remind me of these things. Unfortunately for the good and decent Christians of the world, the bad ones have left a rancid taste in the mouth of almost every non-Christian I know. I'm a little less biased because of the good Christians I've known, such as Raymond (a Catholic), one of my best friends.

The poetry reading tonight was phenominal, despite the lack of energy everyone seemed to have, myself included. There's always that one reading every month though. That reading where, while enjoyable to everyone there, just seems to be missing something. I'm glad it happened this early in the month, hopefully that just means Holloween will go so much better.
Some nights
My skin feels like it's
Being held together by web-thin strands
Like I could burst apart any moment
A supernova of muscle, blood, fat, and bone
Not necessarily in that order
Yeah, I do talk about
The night a lot
But that's only because I'm not
Fond of bright sunlight
I was born at night damnit
And I suppose I see sleeping at night
As something that either the
Really young or really old do
And there's always the romantization
Of revolutionaries who plot in the night
Or subversives,
Whatever you want to call them
Because every hero
Is a villian to someone else
Because each of us is certain
That WE are always
Doing the right thing
But the real case is
That great evil is caused
By the conflict of
Idiotic idiologies
Each supposedly all-inclusive
Each with no room for
New ideas
You see we're all so full
Of our own ideas
That we can't seem to listen
To conflicting ones
And call these disagreeable ideas
And say things such as
"Opinions are like assholes"
When instead we should be listening
Because all of these opinions
Have a touch of truth
Even if we don't like it
We should never comdemn it
Instead draw from these thoughts
What you can use to make yourself
A little bit better
And even if you can't see any wisdom
Because ideas
Even the ones you can't agree with
Are what make our world
This interesting and diverse

Wow. This poem kind of went around the block and to the moon didn't it. In fact that's what I'll call it. "Around the block and to the moon".

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