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Tonight seems to be a night filled with personal revelations. I hadn't thought about working on the play "Diary of Anne Frank" for Oklahoma City Community College" in years. Kathleen Hope directed said play. I was working props because my good friend Heather was stage manager. We had a slide show in between scenes, which made the play even more disturbing and emotional than it already stood. I remembered today that even though one thinks one is becoming desensitized throughout the multitude of rehersals, opening night always makes those emotions new again. It is almost magickal the way it feels to be backstage and hear how an audience reacts to your labour. The jokes all become new again. And the more emotional scenes grip like a shop vice. I can remember the last scene, as Mr. Frank sits in that hiding place alone and reads the last entry of his dead daughter's diary. I remember how he breaks down, and the memory of it nearly makes me cry even years after the production.

I was watching Frasier again today and realized that the show works for all of the opposite reasons of it's predecessor, Cheers. How it shows that even the most educated of people are still as lost and confused as everyone else. Wearas Cheers was a group of relatively normal people just being. The humor tends to be different in that, in Frasier, a mixture of different types of humor can be used, while most intelectual jokes would have been lost in the Cheers setting. Also the characters on Frasier and Cheers are different because, with the smaller cast, Frasier has been allowed to more fully develop the characters...hell even Lillith is shown to be more than the two-dimentional iceburg that she was on Cheers...oh, well...perhaps I don't even know what I'm talking about...I'm tired...good night.

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