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Once again I find myself putting in an entry when I really don't have anything to say. Sad really, because often when I'm away from this computer, I think about all kinds of things I would like to address here in my little forum.

For example, there is a rather interesting building here in okc, on the corner of 23rd and Classen. It seems that someone recently decided that they should build a Walgreens or some other such thing there. Now this would be nothing new in Oklahoma, as interesting buildings, some of which have truely been historical landmarks, get torn down and replaced with chain Taco Bells and Wal-Marts all the time. But for some reason, all of okc has taken an interest in saving the "gold dome". By the way, this building looks like someone cut a giant, yellow golf ball in half, and stuck one half on top of a building. Finally they take an intrest in architecture, and it happens to be the tackiest building in the entire state...where were these people when the tore down the old Bell Isle power plant, which is much more of a histoical curiosity if nothing more than for the urban myths that arose about it, if nothing else...

Ah! Oh, well!


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