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Over the next couple of days I'm going to be posting one poem a day....I would like your feedback on these. Some of them I kind of like, but most of them I'm just not sure of, so let me know.... it almost always seems that my poems that are my favorites (except for Lecture To My Father pt 1) are the least liked by most people.

This first one doesn't have a title yet
100 miles south of Nowhere
In a hotel in Junction, Texas
The storms were too strong
And I was too road-weary
To avoid stopping here
The hotel is a Motel 6, Day's Inn
Or any of the other motel super-chains
That are just too clean to call cheap
And too pest infected to call nice
Kind of reminds me of some of my exs
(Sorry for the cheap shot girls)
I'm watching the weather forecast
On one of the local network stations
And find myself suprised that any
Station can find it's way
To this place that I'm certain
No one else in Texas has heard of
Other than those who live here
The anchorman says that tomorrow
Doesn't look any better
And I'm startled upon hearing
My own voice say
"I knew that all ready"
My heart tells me why I said that
I'm alone
100 miles south of Nowhere
And while tomorrow the scenery will change
As I'll be driving through
The swamplands of Louisianna
I'll still be alone
It's not the weather that
Affects how each day will be
It's whether or not
You have someone to share it with


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