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Book Review


Grrrr...someone changed my winamp list that I spent so long working on...not really in the mood to talk. I read "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, which is really good. "Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide." How can you beat a sentence like that? This book is filled with hilarity such as this. Let's look at the main characters for a moment. There is of course Aziraphale who, while not being gay or English, is a very intelligent Angel. He also runs an antique bookstore, from which he hates to ever sell a book. He doesn't want Heaven or Hell to win at Armageddon, which is the main subject of this book. Neither does his closest friend and confidant. His name is Crowley, and he's a serpent/demon. A demon named Crowley, who was involved in the fall from Eden. You can tell right away that I at least will like this book from that alone.

Adam is the Anti-Christ, and he's eleven. The big problem is that no one has ever told him that he's the Anti-Christ and he's descovering all sorts of odd things he can do. With the imagination of a child, and enough power to destroy the world, you can be assured that various oddness must occur.

There are various other characters, including at least three "witchfinders", two "witches", and host of Heaven and Hells finest, including brief cameos from the Metatron and Beelzebub...and almost an appearance by Satan. Not to mention the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, thier wanna-be biker followers, and a hell-hound who isn't quite as scary when he becomes a small mutt.

That's it for today's book review. If you haven't read this book yet, GO AND BUY IT NOW. The whole world could depend on it.


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