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Tea with Anubis (yet another poem)


You wanted to know
What I am thinking?
I'm thinking of how some feelings
Are best left unrequited
And how sometimes
The best thing for a lonely heart
Is to let it get used to
Being alone
I'm thinking that no,
Real wizards don't want to
Take over the world
But sometimes we theorize on it when stoned
And we don't drink American beer
Only Guiness, Whiskey or wine will do
Because nothing else is strong enough
To chase away the ghosts
Of absent friends and broken hearts
Or summon the deamons in our
Heads when we really need them
Wizards know thier darks sides first
And then either revel in them
Or curse what they've caused us to do
Sometimes you have to let that
Side out though
Or it will eat you from the inside
Just like these secret feelings
I've kept from her
I'm thinking of her now
And the way the light
Catches her eyes
When she sets her face
Into stone perfection
I'm thinking about the way
She closes her eyes
And lets the music
Sift through her
As if her whole body
Were alive with it
I know you can't understand
Why I keep these things from her
Or why I sometimes cry in pain
But smile at the same time
It's kind of like I used to tell
An old friend
You don't have to understand me
You just have to accept me
She never could do that though...

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