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Talking about myself


I came to the conclusion that chicks really don't dig me. They dig that person who I become when I step up to the microphone on Wed. nights. They seem to divine some preconceived notions about me from my 6 min. of performance time. What no one seems to realize however, is that I'm not really the guy they see on stage. "He" is something unknown to me, who I seem to be able to "channel" (although not completely at times) while I'm performing, an entity that is seperate from myself most other times. When I am able to "channel" this "being", it takes so much out of me that I would not be able to hold onto it for more than 30 minutes at a time (unless of course I've been drinking). "He" is rather extrovertive, whereas I most certainly am not. I am uncomfortable at best around large groups of people, or even one person whom I find in some way interesting (unless, again, I've been drinking).


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