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Shit, I got off on a rant again...


Hello again dear friends. This is a little note to tell you that I'm leaving tonight sometime around midnight. I should be back in OKC sometime between tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening. Depending, of course, on whether I get tired on the drive back and need to stop for a couple of hours. But here after I finish this entry and maybe do one more (probably a poem), I'm going to go back to Emily's apt. and take a nap until she gets off work. Then, the two of us are going to finish watching Ghost World. Then finally, after I get a chance to talk to Emmy a little bit, I'm going to hit the road.

I really, really, REALLY don't want to leave, but things can't be finalized back there in Oklahoma if I tried to stay. There are certain things which must be accomplished before I can leave there. Things that weren't even done when I left the first time. I also have to kind of face myself, but that's another matter all-together. I almost want to cry every time I think about having to get back on the road, but that's just the way things go sometimes. You have to take care of the stuff you hate before you can be in the places you love.

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