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Here I am at work trying to be sneaky about typing up an entry because I feel bad about not updating in a couple of days. I really wish I had some sort of earth shattering poem that explains the questions of all of life troubles especially love. The main reason I would like to have something like that under my belt is because I would read it in order to figure it all out myself. But mostly because I would like to at least have something for you people to read other then my inane rambling. This new job is absolutely a blast. Getting to work with Raymond and Jeff is certainly interesting, and not nearly as stressfull as I thought it was going to be. But then again, I am still in training. Life is almost good. I'm not in New Orleans, and there are a couple of things that could be better, but this isn't bad, and that's enough to make me relatively happy.

~Matt Magus

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