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The cold outside
Seems to be shaping a new world
Flashes of green and yellow-green
Attack the sky at random intervals
And the ice has bent and deformed
Trees into cthonian creatures
I remember my friend down south
Who claims he can contact the Loas
While I've always had my doubts
Never having heard of a
White, bald, houngan
I think I want to call him
And tell him to ask Chango
If there is more to this
Little winter storm
Then wind currents
Of course I suppose I could
Try to contact those Entites
That I've aligned myself with
But they never seem to want
To talk much
Or give any straight answers
It's always thing like
"If you are ment to know,
"Then it will be revealed to you"
All stoic and serious
But I bet they get together
And joke about the questions
I sometimes ask
Along with the few others
Who have gotten to know them
They probably trade stories
Of the stupidest questions
That mortals ever ask them
I'll bet one of thier favorites
Is the whole meaning of life thing
While I've never been idiotic enough
To ask that sort of thing of them
I'll bet there are plenty who have
And I'll bet they usually give them
Straight-faced answers
That are incredibly funny to them
I can see it now
"So I told that wanker
"Get this Anubis
"I told that wanker
"That the meaning of life
"Was in his the interplay
"Of masculinity and femininaty...he-he
"And the guy bought it
"Even went out and
"Made himself a new over-sexed religion
"I think his name was
"Aliester somthin'-or-other"
"Damn you Heru,
"That's the funniest thing I've heard
"In a hundred years
"Even more amusing
"Then what Isis told
"That Blavatski woman"
And so it continues to go
We are the but
Of every god's jokes

~Matt Magus

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