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Ok. So I guess the comments feature doesn't work too well from a Mac. It seems that Mac users can still post a comment, but they can't read them. Nor can they read those that other people have written. Sorry about that Bob. I wish I knew of some way to fix it.

I'm going to be adding two entries in a row today. So in case you read this right after I update, be sure to wait a couple of minutes to see the other poem.

Sort of a setup for this poem, I was sitting at Pirate's Alley cafe yesterday while Emily was at work. Along came this pretty girl with a friend. I'm assuming they were going to take one of those darn tours that the other tourists seem to like so much. Anyway, there was something that made me keep peeking around the corner at her and her friend. So it gave me the idea for this little poem.


Oh, dear little red-haired girl
I see what Charlie ment
As like he would
I peek around the corner
Of this small cafe
Just to look at your face
Your smile
Is like rain in July
Eyes a forsest
That I would love to hide in
And oh my,
How you must have grown up
But these warm days
Don't bode well for such thoughts
So let's keep those ideas
Chained in the dark
Just come over here
Sip some soda with me
And let me enjoy
Your nearness

~Matt Magus

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