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I'm just talking about nothing important whatsoever here...


Just something I noticed, it seems that just about half the time I decide to finally link a diary, whoever is running it decides that they are either tired of that particular diary and want to start another one. Or they just seem to decide to stop updating all-together. Now mind you that it doesn't happen right off the bat most of the time (although once or twice it has), and I certainly am not self-absorbed enough to think it has anything to do with me (hell, I don't know any of these people personally, except Raymond and Jen. I just think it's really bloody amusing. But then, I'm kind of a crack-head like that.

Eric Bishoff is in the ww(f)e now, I suppose that means it's going to get so dull and stupid that I'll not want to watch it anymore...oh, well. I suppose I could make more productive use of my Monday nights, but other then the hell of trying to find somewhere to go and write I really can't think of anything productive I could be doing.

By the way, by tomorrow night there will be pictures from NOLA to show, and I will upload them probably as soon as I get home, barring of course the unforeseen incidents that always seem to plauge me. Hopefully no random meetings with people from the past in strange places either...that bothers me...

~Matt Magus

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