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Making Clam Chowder


I slice you open
And watch your hidden agendas
Drip to the floor
Watch you lies
Hang out of your midsection
There's enough there that I hang you with them
I explore futher
From your feet I find
All the beds that your shoes have been under
I see all the lives you've wrecked
Just to prove you could
I open the root of your hatred
And find the sickness
That was your childhood
And the rot you bear
For the one person who showed you kindness
But had to leave you
Silly child
Don't you know
The details aren't important
You take your bitterness out
On the world
Because you feel like
You never deserved to be happy
In the first place
So you insure that you
Will never be
And thus you make yourself correct
All the while blaming it on
The one person who did nothing to cause it
Except not be there
It doesn't matter why
It never did
I stop at your face
I won't touch that
Because your eyes look to much
Like mine

~Matt Magus

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