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There is nothing not at all


Don't come here looking for
A pretty face
And a hollow fuck
Don't pretend that I'm your prince
There is nothing handsome or nice about me
I will rip you apart
And chew on your spinal column
Maybe drink all the intelligence from your feble brain
Before I flush you
And that is only
If I actually let you
Into my world
You think
Because you've seen a poem or two of mine
You have some sort of idea
Of who I might be
But there are secrets even poets have to keep
And the truth is never as pretty
As thier words
Think of all the
"How I used to love you" poems
If we poets are such great guys
Where do you think those lovers are now?
Chances are
They are rotting away
After being enveloped by the poet
Wrapped tight in plastic for posterity
Is this what you want?
If not
Stay away

~Matt Magus

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