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NOLA trip:Spring 03:Part One


Well I made it safe and, well, as sound as I ever was. Although to two freeways being completely closed in sections in Texas almost made for a slightly batshit Matt. Once again, I stopped in Denton for pizza, and again stayed longer then I had expected, this time because I was waiting for my car to cool down completely so I could check the fluids. You see, I've had a very weird anti-freeze leak in my car for a while now. It's weird because I only leaks someimes, and those time almost appear to be first I thought it might be the coolant tank, but yesterday I put some anti-freeze and water in there and it didn't leak at all.

The reason I didn't upsate yesterday is actually fairly simple, all I wanted to do when I got into town was sleep, and that part was accomplished after great difficulty finding a place that makes keys that was open on a saturday, it seems there aren't any corperate hardware stores in NOLA proprt, and only one Wally World I thing, which as we all know is the Devil incarnate anyway (and since I don't believe in a Devil, I subsequently don't believe in Wal-Mart). Anyway, that's enough for now...hopefully I'll have poetry for you later...


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