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I really need to have the whole banner add thing done, mainly so I don't have to look at all these other ones and think, "I have a whole bunch of those things that I need to have run". Working these long hours kind of sucks because the majority of the time, there's nothing to do but look at things on this expanse of energy we call the internet. Which can become very boring after a while. I really need to bring speakers in for the computer I use here at work, so that we can have some music here that doesn't suck. I might actually be able to write here at work also, if that were the case. Hell, throw Diablo 2 on this computer and I would never want to leave the office. (Actually, I have played Diablo 2 here at the office, when no one else was here and I was waiting for the last few techs to get out of the field, it was nice to actually. I played it on Jeff's computer while I coded out work orders on mine). Installing AIM at work was a little risky, but I figure the only thing they can do is ask me to remove it and tell me I can't use it, so until this happens, at least I'll be able to communicate with people while at work. This job has large periods of time where there is absolutely nothing to do. Oh, well, enough ramling for now

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