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Well, I actually made it back in one piece, believe it or not. There was a spot of trouble with the traffic over the Arbuckle "Mountains" (really more like over-glorified hills), but other then that it all went pretty smoothly. I didn't leave NOLA until about one though, because as I left Emily's I got a wild hair to run up to Loyola and do something on the computer before I left (hence that last entry). I drove until about 6 or 6:30, when I finally came upon the rest stop at the LA/TX border, where I had decided earlier in the night I was going to rest. I slept for about until 8:00 and then I begain to drive again. I stopped in Denton once more, this time for a cup of coffee at Kharma (yes that's the way they spell it). Nothing eventful happened this time when I was there.

I'll have some pictures of the trip posted on here as soon as I get the film developed. I have little amusing stories for most of the photos I took. Sorry, no poetry tonight, but I'm very tired and I have to get up early for an interview in the morning.

~Matt Magus

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