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Dr. Putty


I think this mountain
Has become inverted
Because I'm now laying here
Under four million or so
Tons of rubble
Each grain of earth
A dream that fell to pieces
Each grain
Another life I've disrupted
With my anti-Midas touch
You see,
It's not gold everything turns into
In my life
Everything I touch
Turns to so much feces
Or at least that's the way it seems
I tried to teach tolerance
To the Christians
But ended up only causing
Arms to be raised against them
As if they needed more martydom on thier side
Tried to make the blind see
But only placed them
In another type of blindness
We all seem to be
Trapped in our egos around here
Polishing the shit of our lives
And trying to make diamond from it
As much as sometimes
I wish that were
The way it worked
It's just another form
Of self-deception
Trapping yourself in a web
Of self-created knowledge
When nothing is the only thing
That can ever truely
Know or be known

I tired to create a revolution
Where the individualistic ones
Could strip the power from thier oppressors
And watched in shock
As those I was trying to help
Became as clasist
As those I was fighting
Stared blindly as
My dreams of evolution
Came apart at the seams
But I suppose that this
Is the nature of Chaos, order and Humanity
Like sticks to like
And attacks anything
It doesn't understand
And that is after all
What I was really hoping to destroy...

~Matt Magus

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