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Controversial Jack Shit


I falter
Because you awe me
I am quiet
Because like the mystics
Say of God
Only silence can describe
What happens when
We're together
It's more then this touch
Which is softer
Then anything I have ever felt
More then the electricity
That arcs between
Our Tesla-coil hearts
Even Aphrodite would freeze
At the sight of us
As if she were staring
At a Gorgon
If I were better
At my chosen occupation
Perhaps I could come close
But all the romantic poetry ever written
From Shakespeare to Claymation
All of these combined
Would be like the blind men
And the elephant
Just a few tiny pieces
Of this eternal puzzle

~Matt Magus

P.S. I'm really fond of this one, despite the fact that it may indeed have been much too early to be writing poetry about the subject. I don't usually write good romance poetry. I hope the inspiration for this takes it as flattery...~MM

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