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Arrow Adjustment


I would love
To be the air here
So that I could
Touch all of you
At once
Caressing your skin
Your hair
Even your lungs
Now that would be bliss

I might even settle for the ground
So that I could soften myself
Just to ease your passage

And if I were
The liquid you drink
I would swim inside you
And merge with
All of your other waters
To fill you entirely
A part of me
Becoming your sweat
So I could slide across your skin

Or perhaps
I could become the light itself
Then I would always retain
The optimal illumination
Never to bright or dark
So that your eyes would
Always be comfortable
And I would do this
Just to be reflected in them
To become that sparkle in them

~Matt Magus
...this wasn't anywhere near as good as I thought it was....

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