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Things are the same as they always are here in Okla-fucking-homa. There's still chruches about every 500 ft. There's still not many late night gathering places, other than Denny's, and I've spent way too much time in those things. It's getting a little better, but 24 hour pool halls are not going to work by themselves. Hell, even the stores from which one might gather ritualistic supplies close at 6 pm. That's part of the charm of this place for older people, I think. After dark, unless you live where I do, it's always very quiet. It's still relatively quiet here, where I am, except for the occasional sounds of sub-machineguns and pistols, but that only seems to happen once every other month these days. It wasn't this quiet when we first moved in here. About twice a week there would be some sort of gang violence. It's funny though, I never much worried about that sort of thing here. It just seemed part of the background. I'll end this little rant here.

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