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Anti-aging Grapefruit


This is the first poem I read at Galileo tonight. It is called "Anti-aging Grapefruit". I think you'll be able to tell what it's about.
I'm astounded
By the things I've allowed myself
To become distracted by
Running away has become a problem again
It's hard for me to stare
Into the face of our enemy
And feel anything but sadness
I feel this strange twang of guilt
Because I refuse to be angry
And I want to be angry
Angry enough to call the wrath
Of demon and angel alike
To slowly torture the Hateful to death
But that would make me
No better than them wouldn't it
And something inside me won't allow that
It has been said that
Mercy without Severity is weakness
But we all have to remember that
Severity without Mercy is TYRANNY
Sometimes killing IS necessary
But only if you take no joy in the act
So we shed a tear
A tear for the good things the enemy
Could have done rather than
Following a distorted logic
A tear
Because the enemy is Something to Someone
And this is the only way
To keep it from doing this
Or something equally dreadful again
We shed a tear for our enemy
Just before we cut its throat
I have nothing more to say on this subject.


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