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Jumping YHShVH


Tonight had to be one of the best poetry readings I can remember. Out of all of my favorite poets, the only ones who didn't read were Bob and Heather. It was bloody fantastic.

I would like to mention the odd delema I'm facing. There are three women I know who I have romantic feelings for. At least one of which, I'm certain, is only interested in being friends. I'm pretty sure it's the same way with another of them. The third is more likely to date me, but I'm afraid that it wouldn't be a very good relationship for either of us, and I don't want a relationship to destroy a perfectly good friendship with her.

As for the other two, I'm not even sure I should approach the subject, even with the one who I have a little doubt about. I would hate to make either of them uncomfortable and then chase them away. In any case, I don't know if I could choose any of them to ask out, because I rather like them all equally, in different ways. Even the one who I think it would end badly with. Again, I am an IDIOT when it comes to such things. I seem to choose the ones who don't want to be with me also, so it's rather difficult.

The world can be a fun and interesting place, what I really want is someone to share it with. At least that's what I think I want...


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