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I've been thinking a lot about when I move to New Orleans. One of the problems as far as I can se is that, even though there are is a lot of things to write about in that town, there are very few poetry readings of any merit, and I have not yet heard of a slam team there. So because I have to have a poetry fix, I've been thinking that I'll have to start a non-profit organization down there specifically for this purpose. The only problem so far has been the name. What should I call this group of poets? What name can reflect both my personal style of humor and still be interesting enough to make people want to become a part of this team? Spontaneous Bob did great when he named the one here "The Home for Wayward Poets". It's a very catchy name, and makes each of us feel as if we belong, no matter how deviant we think we are. It's a beautiful name.

A name I've been kicking around as a joke in my little head is "Anti-Christs Anonymous". Which other than being funny for all the usual cheesy reasons also has a second joke for those of you who are rather familiar with Beastly Uncle Al and his ilk. It also has a third personal joke attached just for me. The motto would be "one poem at a time", just as a little more cheese to the poetic palate. The problem with this name is that it would very obviously alienate Christian poets, which is something I certainly do not want to do. I may not agree with thier beliefs, but I do tend to enjoy thier poetry when it comes from thier hearts and not thier dogma.

I think I may have found a way to cover for it though. You see the idea behind "A.>a.>" (the official abreviation of it, to add more to the "Crowley" part of the joke) is that anyone is welcome especially those who for some reason, perhaps thier wit, of way of thinking, have been called by anyone else the Anti-Christ, a satanist, or any other sort of social stigma. We could even have former-President Reagan as our spokesperson, as I seem to remember some wanker on the Morton Downey Jr Show (Jesus, that was a long time ago) calling him the Anti-Christ because he had six letters in each of his names (Ronald Wilson Reagan). Having the republican ex-Pres that Rush Limbaugh practically worships behind us would draw the support of all but the most millitant Christians. It would also be a personal source of constant laughter, seeing if ol' Ronnie can remember his lines in his senility.

This is, as far as I can see, just something for me to lauugh about so far...but e-mail me and tell me what you think of it, good or bad. Yes, everyone, in this instance I welcome you to flame me if you think it's appropriate, or hell, even if you don't.

As Mick would say; "Have a Nice Day!" (insert car crash sound here)


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