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Off on a tangent again


I'm about to go on a tirade. Before I do, however, there are some things I would like to state first. I am not the absolute authority on any given subject, nor do I pretend to be. In this little speech, I might seem condesending, and like I think I know everything. This is not true, nor should you take it as such. I will present the "facts" as I know or understand them, as the case may be. If I have any doubts as to these "facts" I will clearly point them out, such as will be the case in at least one instance that I've all ready written in my head. Be advised that some of these things, which may seem like facts are matters of opinion and personal translation. I am quite well aware of these all ready, so you don't really have to remind me of them (i.e. flame me for the things I am about to present). If you notice something that you disagree with or can prove me wrong on any given fact, feel free to e-mail me with this correction (and the proof, which is even more important) or your own personal revelation. I gladly welcome anything constructive you might wish to add, and can always benefit from the knowledge of anothers experiances. I still have a lot to learn after all.

Now that this has all been said, the first topic on my parade of anger tonight concerns wiccans. Now almost every witch I've ever known I've liked. My problem stems from some of those vile creatures who have filled many a wiccan head with a bunch of horse-shit. They are often called "spiritual writers", or something similar. Most of the time they are nothing but two-bit hacks who like to spew the same thing that someone else wrote before them, but with a twist, and usually an idiotic one at that. There are a few genuine pearls to be found amoung wiccan authors, like Ellen Cannon Reid. She has some rather interesting ideas which any serious student of any path should ponder. Unfortunately, she is one of a very few. What this is all coming to, is that if I go somewhere and happen by some stupid circumstance or another to say "Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law", and another wiccan pretends to think that she can correct me with "Do as thou wilt, and it harm none", then I shall probably lose any track of Will I had, and slap the person silly. After that I might give the following history and grammer lesson (that's right a two for one). What I quoted a few moments ago (the first one) is from The Book of the Law, also known as Liber AL Vel Legis, but that's usually only done by arrogent pricks, and/or devout students of one of the Thelemic Organizations. While it hasn't been around as some sacred texts (and yes, for those that care it is considered sacred), it has certainly been around longer and more accurate than that moronic phrase which followed my quote.

Let's look at the meaning of what I just said first, in terms of grammer, which is ever so important to the budding qabbalist. "Do WHAT thou Wilt". First lets look at the word "Whilt", did you know that it's capitalized? And what do you suppose the capitalization means? Let me tell you, it means the same thing as all that Higher Gaurdian Angel, True Self, and Higher Self stuff that you've probably run across once or twice before. It does NOT mean whim. The quote does not mean do as you like. Anyone who thinks so is not very bright at all. Now let's look at why the word "what" is used instead of "as". Given the context of the meaning I have given you for the capitalized "Wilt", the sentence becomes, in easier terms, "Do what (is) your True Will". Now I believe what you just said is "do as thou wilt and it harm none". Now what I see here (and by the way I seen it written and "whilt" is not capitalized, not that it would matter if it were) is "do as you want, and it (will) harm none". This is not only a really bad misquote, it is also a lie! If people went around giving in to thier every whim, you canbe sure a lot of people will get hurt. I alone would make Hitler look like a cute puppy dog, as I have particularly vile thoughts at times. By the way, if you followed that part of you that is divine (ie "True Will), you wouldn't harm anyone anyway, by the very definition of the idea. Now mind you, it's just an idea, and I have a VERY difficult time practicing what I just preached, but at least I'll be the first to admit it to anyone.

I don't blame you wiccans though, mostly because I know where you get these ideas from, and Llewellyn publishes most of them, whether the content is true and good or not. Every now and then I trace back this re-vamped quote, and so far the oldest place I've found it is in an Amber K book (this does not mean that this is absolutely where the quote comes from mind you). Most of you know the one I mean. It's not a bad book when it gets down to the practice of witchcraft either, but the "historical" parts are exceedingly biased, and often in error. Coincidentally enough, particularly biased against and historically in error regarding Aliester Crowley, the man who either wrote of "recieved" the Book of the Law, depending on who you listen too.

Let's look at Beastly Uncle Al for a second. He was an asshole, first class. The man was chauvinist, which is not all that shocking considering the time in which he lives, but he was worse than most, much worse. He went so far as to claim, in Liber Aleph, that "women have no soul". He was also a womanizer of great extremes, of course men who hate women usually are. I've never understood this. By the way, we find out later that he swung the other way too, so I guess he really didn't care what or who he fucked. As far as Qabbalistic and Thelemic authors go, he was just as verbose as Waite, whom he used to make fun of. For the most part Crowley was a better technician, and thus is preferred by most. Crowley wasn't half as good as his former secretary, Israel Regardie, however. Dr. Regardie had all of the technical skill, none of the verbosity or prejudice, and a talent for making the complicated understandable. Why am I saying all this bad stuff about good ol' AC. It's simple really, read the Book of the Law, and you'll see how important it is to know that such a flawed man wrote this great book. I'm also saying this for the benefit of current and future Thelemites. Just because he wrote the Book of the Law doesn't mean he's the bloody end all be all of anything. Read his poetry for cying out loud, it stinks! (sorry, had to have a "Critic" quote in this journal sometime)

The point is, don't ever correct a Thelemite saying with a Wiccan one. These are two very different frames of reference and you should be aware of it before you shoot your mouth off, like I just did. :P

That's the end of the rant...go about your normal business, before I pull out the two-headed trout.

~MattMagus (it's just a fucking stage name, you wankers!)

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