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A short and crappy SOMETHING


A familiar face stops my walk
For just a moment
Memories striking me dizzy
Like combos from
A well trained boxer
The recollections telling me enough
In a split-second
That I know
Walking on is the only answer
But for some reason
Just as I get to the door
My head turns to take
One more glance
At my past

All I see
Is a hand-signal
That I'm all too familiar with
I only once remember Her using it
And then only when
She was frustrated beyond words

Seeral things happen
In my twisted little head at once
My initial reaction is too laugh
Because I know
That it'll get her goat een more
To see her indignation
Is only met with mocking indifference

While this is going on
I feel the red tides of anger
Begin to wash over me
This part wants to remind her
Of how long it has been
Since our hearts stopped
Beating in synchronous rythms
It wants to tell her
That it's way past time
For her to get on with her life
As I have tried to do

But I know that these reactions
Are mearly borne out of
That icy pain I feel at my chest
So I shrug my shoulders
And walk away
After all
For the way I behaved then
For these thoughts
That have just danced across my mind
I deserve to get the finger
And so much more besides

~Matt Magus

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