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Boring, Frustrating week


So, let's talk about my week since Saturday, shall we? On Saturday I was sick as hell, some sort of variation on the flu that I'm still not over. I was told that the reading went very well, although I was rather disappointed in my performance overall, especially due to the sickness. Some of the people I really wanted there showed up after I was done with the featured portion of the reading, but that was ok, especially since Carol let me get up and do a few more pieces after the open mic portion of the reading. Then most of us went to Denny's where I got steadily sicker as the night progressed.

Sunday I Nyquiled the crap out of myself in order to get over the sickness as quickly as possible. Slept almost all of the day, and then went to see the WWE "No Mercy" PPV at The Varsity. It was fantastic, the "Hell In a Cell" match was everything it needed to be, and the Raw Main Event wasn't bad either. I'm afraid that HHH and Kane were a little overshadowed by the brutality of the Smackdown title match, and the fact that they put the Raw main event in the middle of the PPV, which wasn't quite where it should have been. Both matches were quite excellent however. There were also plenty of other fine matches on the show, in fact it was a pretty solid card, except for the Dawn Marie vs. Tori Wilson match which was quite sloppy, even though the story line was well done.
Monday saw my first day of jury duty, this time around was just like the last. I waited all day to finally around 3pm get called into a courtroom, only to sit on the bench and watch as other people got questioned about how fair and impartial they could be. Then I got sent home. Went to the Norman Juilie's Juice and Java reading, which went pretty well, but then that one always does. I then went home because I needed to get lots of sleep.
Tuesday saw day two of jury duty and nothing special happened all day really. I sat there in the smoking room all day, and even fell asleep in there for an hour and a half. They called one jury all day. Finally at 330, they called a list of names, including mine, and told me that I could go home and return at 845. I then went to pick up my paycheck and found out that my schedule had changed a little. Then I went off to write a little, which mostly failed, due to mental distractions. I went to Denny's for a little bit then, and nothing of note happened there.

Wednesday was more of a bit of the same. I finally got called into another courtroom about 2pm, and this time got to sit in the jury box, and was questioned rather thoroughly by the judge, DA, and Defense, and was finally released about 430pm. I went home and started to add an entry to the diary, when I got to talking online with Jen, who asked me to call her. When ended up going to get coffee at the Starbucks at Barnes and Noble on May. After a bit more talking we ended up going to her and Bobbie's apt so she could show it to me and make me a fantabulous data cd. That made me a little late to the reading at Galileo, but I didn't mind a bit, as I was hangin' out with Jen-Jen. I wasn't feeling well again by the point I got there, so I kind of flip-flopped as to whether I should read or not, when I finally got up there I read the new one and "Book of My Wand", which went over pretty much the same way I thought it would with that crowd, a lot of blank stares, except for the few people who actually "got it". I left the reading early because I wasn't feeling well, and stopped by Denny's for a few minutes (or so I thought), so that I could say hello to a few people and go home to sleep. A few minutes turned into a few hours as Donovan showed up and I got to give him my chapbook.

Thursday I slept, got online for about an hour, then went over to Raymond's for "party planning", although I think it's a bit late now.

There ya go, that was very boring now wasn't it? That's why I don't usually write these kind of entries.

~Matt Magus

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