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Go Away, i'm in a mood today


Well, no poetry today. I've been way too busy lately, as I've gone to a reading every day this week. Tonight I'm taking the night off to go do some writing in Norman. Monday there was the reading at Julie's Juice and Java which is where I'll be writing tonight. It's in Stubbman village and is hosted by Johnathan Bryant. I really enjoy this one despite the intimate setting and few people who have attended thus far. I really hope that it picks up in the next couple of months however, so that the owners can make a decent amount of money off of it. The only problem with this is the same as the other Julie's location which is that few people can fit in there. Hopefully, once it picks up (and how can it not, being next to the OU dorms?) they'll decide to take it to a bigger location.

Tuesday night was very interesting indeed. I went to the reading at the Gypsy Coffee House in Tulsa for the first time, and I was suitably impressed. It's a lovely venue, perfectly large. Sure, you can't smoke inside, but that's ok. It's worth it for the most part and they have a little walkway seperate from the coffee shop proper that leads to the men's bathroom that you can smoke in and still hear the reading. Some of the poets are really good, with the potential to be great. Others are just lacking the passion that one needs at the microphone to (unfortunately) be successful these days. There were one or two poets that I didn't care for, but if I think back on the absolute crap I wrote at thier ages I realize that they are far ahead of where I was back then. That put it in the proper perspective. The only problem I had with these few people is that they used too many cliche's in thier writing, but we all do that at times, and if they keep at it with the passion that they are showing they could end up getting over that and become truely great. Or they could become pop song writers, either is desireable in this case. All in all I had an absolute blast, and I plan on returning whenever I have the chance to do so. Hell, despite how late I would end up being each time, I may go every other week anyway. I think there are a few things I need to finish before the next time I show up though...

Then we have last night. What can I say about last night's reading except, holy shit, could the fucking audience have been more rude. What a bunch of assholes. There was no lack of loud conversations going on during the entire reading, even during some of Jack's poem. I know one other thing too, certain people will NOT be sitting at my table next week. I miss my people surorunding me, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

~Matt Magus

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