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A little further explaination


There appears to have been some confusion, with one person at least. The way I see it, if there's confusion with one there might be confustion with others, so I have to nip this in the bud right here. "MLE" is not Emily, MLE are the initials of someone whom I was romantically involved with some years ago (or at least they were, seeing is how she is married now, she may or may not have taken her husbands last name, and knowing her, she probably did). Emily, or as I more often refer to her "Emmy" is someone whom I've known for about 5 or 6 years, maybe a tad longer, and who I have had feelings for just as long, but who has never reciprocated. Appearantly the phonetic pronounciation is what confused one of the Keepers' (both of whom are Wayward Poets). MLE is or is rather the idea of Micha, someone I used to know, but who, in my mind has sort of become (due to my failings in our relationship), a reminder of all of my negative aspects. A personification of perfection if you will, that I corrupted by my very presence. While this is not exactly how things happened, this is the way it has become in my mind, after the process of forgiving her faults ended, unfortunately, I never forgave my own completely and the old emotions tend to reach up and bite me from time to time, which is what happened with the last few entries, and that other poem which will not be printed here (again, I'm saving that one to be exclusive in one of my upcoming books, should I ever get them done and the money together to print them). At any rate, that's that. I'm going to leave it here for tonight and hopefully I'll have a new and finished poem tomorrow at work, that I will post. We'll see how things go...silly people

~Matt Magus

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