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I'm sitting door to the place
Where I used to buy a
Certain soda
You might remember the slogan
"All the sugar and
"Twice the caffine"

I'm right across the street
From the place
Where I had my first
Taste of Chai
The place was run by Christians
But nobody's perfect
And besides
These were exceptionally good Christians
The kind that actually live thier religion
Rather then just speaking it
So that they may be seen of men
That wonderful little place
Is now a nail salon
Which in my view
Is a waste of good office space
But hell,
I suppose someone has to
Cater to the fools of the world
Who have no idea what to do
With thier money

I'm right around the corner
From where I would pick up
My brother-in-arms
To bring terror to the world
One phone call at the time
Full of shit and ourselves
We might have been
But together we thought
That we could take any challenge
With a cigerette, a smile, and a witty remark
Leaving it wimpering in the corner
Too bad I couldn't help him
With his greatest test
The fight against self
And I had to stand aside
As the turmoil became to much
And he fell from his Tree
To walk about
With the Dukes of Edom

As I examine this
While drinking my mocha
Which isn't as good
As the proprieter said it would be
I think of all the other places
Each holding a million pictures
A billion stories
That I can never hope to get out
Before I die
With more created every day
I am saddened to no end
To know that I can't
Share every one of those moments
With each of you
I also know
That if I should die right now
From an out-of-control missile
Landing on my head
But thankfully for everyone else
Turning out to be a dud
Then I could have no compliants
For I've been given
Far more then I'll ever deserve

~Matt Magus

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