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I think you're looking too hard
If you really want an answer
All you have to do
Is ask
It's not that hard
I'll be as honest as I can
As truthful as human nature will let me
Perhaps you think the gesture you made
On that wonderful night
Was unappreciated
It wasn't
In fact you had
In that briefest of gracious moments
Made all of the daydreams I've had
Over the past few years
Seem like nothing but
Photos of someone else's life
Interesting a little
But not really important
You probably wonder why then,
Did I back away?
The answer is really quite obvious
I was already reeling from the wounds
That another had given me
Still too fresh
And I could never stain you
With blood that someone else shed
I was too full of anger
And could never poison you
With venom not ment for you

~Matt Magus

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