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I Wish I Was More Damnworthy


I tend to get lost
In the light behind your eyes
Transfixed and frozen

It tells me secrets
That you would hide from the world
But I can see them

You've been running from
Yourself for so long that you
Can never find joy

You have to stop and
Confront yourself and accept
Your darkness and light

They exist there in
Your head wherever you go
You can't run from them

And I won't let you
Flee from the beauty in you
That you haven't seen

Because you are so scared of
The shadows concealed in the
Folds of you psyche

But these shadows weigh
Far less then you imagine
Stop and turn around

Embrace your fears
Re-examine your devils
And your angels too

You'll find that perhaps
Your evils are illusions
Created by you

In hiding from these
Self-made abominations
You missed your own worth

The sum total of
What your smile is worth can more
Then pay off your hell

And you'll find if you
Refine the darkness in you
It can be a tool

Channel that anger
Through whatever art you choose
And your smile will grow

And with it will grow
Your self-esttem chasing the
Shadows from your mind

It will fall on you
Like a rain in the desert
Rehydrating you

And then at long last
You will see what I have seen
And know why I smile

(when I see you)

Sorry there was no official V.D. entry, but seeing as how I'm single right now there would really be no point to it. It would have just ended with me being another of the many wankers bitching about the holiday, and then confessing that I'm bitter because I'm alone, and I'm starting to get fuckin' sick of that shit.

~Matt Magus

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