
kay - 2003-12-21 17:56:11
dude, i so don't get it. you can buy a supergold membership but can't find a layout? you could buy me a supergold... i'd make you a layout :D :D people tell me i'm good at them.
marianne - 2003-12-23 18:12:19
how brilliant...
erin - 2003-12-24 23:38:23
i feel like i can relate to this.
Dakini - 2003-12-25 01:46:18
"When I look into your eyes, I see myself- please don't tell me it's just a reflection."
Maya - 2003-12-27 17:22:18
Kewl quote! It's very catching!
NinjaStuart - 2003-12-28 23:45:44
Raederle (Pink) - 2003-12-29 08:50:10
Yo, dude, I see your banners constantly, they make me want to click them just cause they say not to.... Is this reversepsycology, or what? Oh, I do like the quote, and maybe I'll read your diary later. I alreay know you by nam Matt Magus - I see it all the time.
Elwyn - 2004-01-05 00:19:42
I like this one the most, but I haven't read your whole diary so I guess it doesn't really count. lol Very nice...
Laura - 2004-01-07 18:54:03
like what raederle said...i see your banner alot so i finally clicked it even though it says not to. just cuz i'm a curious freak like that : )
sarika - 2004-01-09 11:26:43
hmmm...followed a banner in a moment of weakness. you're pretty. x
sophie - 2004-01-10 19:30:02
i can't stop thinking about this..
kelsey - 2004-01-11 14:12:07
freakin' awsome
candoor - 2004-01-13 22:41:59
your banner grabbed me... it is January, right?... can you lose banners? (I've never used any of mine on any of my sites)... so what's new for now?
daleyk - 2004-01-15 16:04:46
Hey, you seem like a pretty interesting guy. I'll have to add you and keep up with your stuff...even though it seems as though you haven't updated in a while. But thats okay, I'll go back and read all the stuff you've written. Later man -me
chaosbean - 2004-01-16 23:18:31
Good entry. How ya doin?
jc4fifty - 2004-01-18 15:26:08
Ah! Your banner! I swear its evil..^shifty eyes^ IT hypnotized me into coming here....
Madame Rose - 2004-01-21 00:22:55
very nice diary...deep really.
Valerie - 2004-01-21 22:50:50
Nice quote. Your banner just makes everyone want to click it.

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