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Cocks of Personality


I was walking outside
For a quick cigarette
When some random quackpot asked me:
"What is the time limitation on resurrection?"
This, understandably,
Confused the shit out of me?
Does this person think I'm some sort of fucking moron
Who had been playing D & D too long
Just because I rant and rave about
Magick sometimes?
Or perhaps,
This is one of the morons described above?
Whatever the answer to that
The question itself took my so off-guard
That I said something to the effect of
"Do I look like the kind of guy that goes around
"Telling the dead that they can't rest?
"Go ask Lazurous or something
"Because I don't know"
But I should have told them to talk to a paramedic
They resurrect people all the time
They just don't call it magic

My Magick isn't about that bullshit anyway
Rather then knocking on corpse-doors
I'm about trying to get
The still-living to wake the fuck up
I want to smack people in the face
With the Trout of Truth
Until they can no longer
Ignore the smell
For instance;
There are some idiots in this country
(Mainly because thier previous arguments
About the subject
Have been blown to shit
Because they were
As I previously stated
Based in persecuting people
For only religeous reasons
Which our constitution is supposed to protect us against)
Who have actually stated
That homosexuality
And homosexual marriage in particular
Are "Threats to the American Family"
What a bunch of horseshit!
The current administration is a bigger threat to the American Family
As it keeps screwing around with an already volitile situation
Halfway around the world
And therefore threatening
To send us into
I seriously doubt that there can be
A bigger threat to ANY family
Not mearly American ones then that

If being a threat to real
"Family Values" was a decent enough argument
To keep people from getting married shouldn't neurotic
And those with violent and abusive histories
Be banned from marriage first
Maybe even sterilized
So that the can NEVER reproduce
After all
It's been faily well documented
That these people pass thier problems
On down to thier children
Who then either pass them along to thier children
Or a whole new set of problems
Along the opposite line
And the cycle continues
As it has
Filling the world with fucked-up people
Until eventuallly
It gets so full with violence and neuroses
That the world-balloon pops
As it is threatening to do to us now
Listen up people
Homosexuality has been existant throughout history
And will always be here
I'll say it
The only true danger to this country
Are the people who are
Bleeding it for all it's worth
And telling you to look the other way
While they do it
And sadly enough
You've followed right along
This trout is getting
Pretty badly decomposed
And if you don't wake up soon
I'm certain you may end up
With a case
Of true moral sickness
Not the kind that you idiots
Tend to think of
When the word is mentioned
But morals like defending to the death
A person's right to be who they are
And having all the same rights
As people who are not like them
And morals like
Stopping evil men
From destroying everything that we
As a nation of free people
Have become
And here's a hint folks
They are doing it
From inside
Not from without


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