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A big bad b.s. sounding night


Well, just as I stated...I became a "Supergold" member tonight. This makes me quite happy as I'm sure you can all tonight I'm going to be working my butt off to get the damn thing set up so that I don't have to worry about mastersites cutting my image off. In other and odder Magus news, it seems that AOL decided it was tired of telling us that it would be a good idea to switch to that particular isp rather then thier "sister" company Compuserve and decided it would force us to...without our knowledge. This pisses me off. There may be a class-action lawsuit against them soon, if my father decides that it's worth getting pissed off over...mind you the last time my dad decided to file a suit the lawyer even told him he was crazy for doing it and he still walked away with more then he was asking for origionally. AOL beware my father's wrath, it could be entertianing for me to watch anyway. My dad somehow always seems to be good at hitting the system just right so that they are hurting for some time. I'm not sure how he does it, but I have a very funny feeling there's more to the story then he would like to admit. But then, I probably know too much about the friends he has in high places as it is. Always best to keep one's nose away from that sort of thing. At least, in any way they can detect.

God-damnit!. I hate when I talk like that, because it always sounds like I'm just talking out of my ass, or it makes it sound all f'n spooky and mysterious. When it's not really any of those things at all. It's just that I don't seem to be able to come right out and say things. Tonight there's a little bit of a reason for it, mainly because I don't know where one draws the line on stuff like this...or rather were others would prefer I drew the line...oh BLAST IT! Whatever. Ignore my stupid ass and go have fun doing whatever it is you were doing before you were looking at my page. These are NOT the Jews you're looking for.

~Matt Magus

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