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A Good Kind of Crazy


With a voice
Softer then any bed
I've ever slept in
Which flows to the ears
Smoother then the transition
Of one moment
To the next
You shook the foundation
Of a scene
That was entirely too close
To the cliff of decadent decay
The passion of your words
Echoed so strongly
Through resonance fields
In every listener
That even the Asexual
Felt his sleeping self stir

You attacked our desires
One by one
Every week
And most of us knew
That one day
You could drown the world in feeling

But you went away
Only to be briefly spotted
As a leopardess on the hunt
Quiet and seemingly peaceful
And I was reminded of dorment volcanoes

And when you returned
I could see
That the taste of liquid truth
Haed left you burning
With as yet unanswered questions

And your subtlety sang
Sweetly to our ears
Yet made us tremble inside
Though only a few people
Ever knew why

I can see that
You've noticed the way
My eyes smile
Every time you walk by
And my face
Always seems to brighten up a bit
Now I'm going to tell you why

I see the spirit of the quest in you
How you've been fed just enough
Of the nature of God and you,
Or God in you,
As the case may be
To make you hungry for more

I can see the determination
To find Truth in you
No matter how much
Dirt and blood
Has to get under your nails
Or how wounded you become

I can see your willingness
To stare all of creation in the face
No matter how often it tends
To disguise itself as a rotting corpse
And believe me
Every now and then
The view gets even uglier
Then you could have imagined
Especially when you gaze
Into your own eyes
And wonder why no one else
Can see the depths
Of anger and sadism
That hide underneath

I wish I could
Give you advice
For the time
That you have to
Stare into
The Abyss of You
But that would be cheating
And besides,
I know you can handle it

~Matt Magus

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