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There are many reasons
Why we should be together
But I only need one to keep us apart
You see honey
Grabbing at my crotch
Is like throwing yourself
In the Themes river to
Cure the plauge
Interesting idea
But not very likely to work
I want to tell you the one thing
I've learned in these 27 years
"If it's that easy
"You don't want it"
There's just no tactful way to say
That to someone's face
Especially when she's wacked out
On every known controlled substance
In the history of mankind
And proudly displays her black eye
To show that she likes to get
Smacked around a little
The kind of girl
That becomes the excuse
For the police to not help
Women who have been
Legitimately abused
And that alone is enough
Reason for me to set you on fire
And toss you off the balcony
Like an old couch
But I'm afraid you would hit
Like a Molitov cocktail
And explode on impact
Hurting everyone around you

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