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Hedgehog Pie


Ah, I'm so fond of online tests. Here's the results of the latest one I took.

Take the What Cat Are You? test by webkin!

They don't know me vewy well, do they?, to quote Tweety Bird.

Thank you to all of the people who have complimented my diary, and especially my poetry so far. I know I don't seem to take them well, but that's mostly because I really don't know how to respond most of the time. Especially if someone actually comes up to me and says they liked something I read. It's all rather awkward for me and I'm not used to it, so I ask your forgivness if any of you think I've slighted you. It seems that while I'm ok at putting things down on paper, I can never seem to get over my sense of social stigma in a person to person communication. Oh well, enough rambling outside of freeverse form for me tonight, it's poem time!


When I wake up
I want to feel something
Other then contempt
At losing my dream
I want to wake up
And smile because I know
That my day is going to be good
I haven't done that in a long time
Just being happy to
Get out of bed
And start my day
I've got some news for you
The world is not going to
Get bettter any time soon
The fever hasn't reached it's high yet
And some days
I just want to Nyquil myself
Until this global flu
Of hatred is dead
But I know that I would be first
Everyone and everything
Needs my attention
But I'm just not fat enough
To go around
And I don't think I can
Gain weight fast enough
And while I used to think
That I was strong with imagination
I can't use it to pick you all up
And keep you away from harm
My force has grown weak
From streching too far in every direction
And the real battles
Haven't even started yet

~Matt Magus

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