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Inside The Poet's Studio


Inside The Poet's Studio

Antonio Banderas said
"How do you explain love
That's probably why we have poets
To explain and disect these things"
I've always felt that
A poets job is more than this
A poet's job
Is too take a fraction of time
Or a feeling
And freeze it onto paper
Cementing moments with concrete words
And making these moments
Live in the minds of thier readers
And listeners
To swell these feelings in the breasts
Of all who experience the poem
Sometimes to effect a change
Sometimes just to share
A piece of the poet
That the audience
Can take with them everywhere they go
To create a seperate reality
Inside another's paradigm
That they can open up and step inside
At any time
Just by focusing on the memory
Of a few words

Sorry I haven't updated lately, but I've just spent a week in jail. By the Way, if there are any readers of this page other than the one's who have signed the guestbook all ready, could you sign it please? I would like to know that I'm doing this for more than myself, Jen and Three-wishes...(Raymond isn't online much anymore)?

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