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It's odd how silence
Can make you question the reality
Of your situation
How unanswered questions
Can pull you down with thier weight
And how the dead of night
Can wisper doubts into your ears
Telling you things in it's sweetly movking voice like
"Perhaps she misunderstood your question
"And more importantly why you asked"
And then it falls quiet again
As if weren't really there
And it doesn't need to say anything further
Because your mind decides
To take it from there
And play out possibilities in your head
Until those paranoia movies take up so much bandwidth
That there's no longer any room for truth
That is
Until truth finally slaps you awake
From these daymares
And shows you that your fears
Are just reflections from that mirror
That others call a "lack of self-worth"
And that breaking this mirror
Might bring you some good luck

~Matt Magus

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