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New kick-ass layout!!!!!


Once again it seems that Jen has made a super-cool html design for me. This one makes me even happier then the last. Man I could just stare at that picture for hours and get all sorts of creepy inspiration (no pun intended, for those of you who actually know what I'm talking about...both of you). I find it kind of odd that very few of the people who I've given the address of this page to in real life have ever actually looked at it. Most of the ones I'm talking about have been my friends for many years. Every now and again I'll look at my site meter and see that an old friend or two has come by for a peek, but never often and only a few. (Yes, by the way, for those of you who know me I can usually tell who has been stopping by from the site meter's general info, and neither of you have signed my guestbook). At any rate, I think that would be more preferable to getting a bunch of new readers...just getting my friends to read this on a regular basis. Ok...fuck all that! I just realized how whiney this all sounds. Oh, well.

I'm sick tonight and decided not to write a poem right now...if at some time tonight I decide to write one I'll post it right afterward. Tomorrow however, there will be more poems, even if they are as bad as the last few.

~Matt Magus

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