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hmm...a rant with very little coherance or cohesion


So, I'm back in OKC, oh, joy of joys (insert sarcastic tone here). New Orleans was hot and humid, even more so then when I visited last July. I was sunburned by the second day, and my left arm is still a bit red. Other then this minor inconvienance I had a wonderful time down there. The first few days were very slow and relaxing (Emily was still working on finals) but after that it became very hectic, especially when her family started to arrive. I didn't get to attend any readings there, as the only one that was going on at the time was on Fridays, which I found out about too late on Friday night (about 230 am).

At first, some of my friends from here in OKC were calling me every other was odd. I guess it's nice that I'm appreciated, but it just felt...wierd.

I also don't think I know how to handle this "fame" or whatever it is that Galileo has given me. I've been thinking about this for a while now, and the people who recognize me at places like Denny's whom I have no idea who they are frighten the living hell out of me. Not in a stalker-espque kind of way, but rather in a "I don't think I like being recognized on the street kind of thing. Perhaps I'm afraid that my ego will rage out of control, and I'll run my car into a tree or something. If I'm like this now, I don't think I could ever handle "real" fame. It's the idea that someday I could have papurazzi or something, and you know what that sort of thing does to people. It makes them either spotlight grabbing glory hounds who will do anything to keep attention focused on them, or they become paranoid recluses (is that the proper spelling of the plural?). Then again, I highly doubt I'll ever get that big, after all, poetry is an aquired taste. One that most of the ignorant masses can't deal with, mostly because to actually enjoy real poetry, a tiny bit of intelligence is required, whereas most people would rather have mind-dumbing entertainment that has pretty explosions but it otherwise pointless.

Speaking of pointless except as eye candy, I went to see "Matrix Reloaded" while in New was ok for what it was, as long as you just sat there and stared at the damn thing and didn't think about it AT ALL it was just fine. The guy who played Morpheus did a wonderful job as usual, and again steals the movie from Reeves, who does two things really well in the movie, and that is being confused and lusty. I can't believe he is slated to play John in the upcoming "Constantine" movie...that role would not suit him in the least. Really they should go with an unknown to play Con-job, especially since most of the very limited fan base that a Hellblazer movie would have is likely to be turned off by someone like Keanu, who has never touched a role like that in his life. Just because i am that much of a fan boy, I would probably go and see it anyway, but I would expect to be nothing but highly disappointed by it. After all, a director who casts him in that role must not be a fan at all, and thus could never do the movie any justice. At any rate, that is more then enough ranting for now...

~Matt Magus

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