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Festival of Snores


There is a difference
Between honesty and crudity
There is a fundimental distinction between admitting your attraction to someone
Or telling her that you want to fuck her
In every possible way
That her tiny mind can concieve
It's a different way of thinking
For example
I have often said I could care less
What you think of me
But this doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way
To be an asshole either
The first is the ability to recognize
That no matter what you do
There are always going to be people who dislike you
The second
Is just being a jackass because you can
Now mind you that we all have moments
When we prove what highly unevolved creatures we really are
But with some people this is an all the time thing
I can't really hate them for it
The only reason it angers me
In the first place
Is because it's just a reflection
Of the darker side of me
That I'm seeing when I look at them
It mainly makes me sad
For all the pain they've caused
Because I know
I'm just a step away from doing the same

~Matt Magus

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