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Breaking the Legs of Life


Catching up with old friends...trying to make sense of a senseless world. Piecing together the truth from the tall tales. I first trip to New Orleans, four went one stayed. He then went to Atlanta, then Little Rock, then some back and forths between those places and here, and now New York.

One of those four is now dead, he found out that he had contracted HIV and went crazy, purposely spreading it around in New Orleans. He died in a Lousiana State Pennitentary. I found this out last night. Perhaps it's better that way, if I would have found him, I would have probably tortured him to death for intentionaly allowing that diease, that perfect killer, to claim more lives.

The third just got out of prison himself. He is still one of the loudest people I can think of, in actions and in words. He loves to tell a good story, and while quite a bit of it is true, he keeps adding people to the stories (probably to make them feel important, or help thier reputations). Still one of the toughest sob's I've ever met, despite the lack of hair.

Here I am, with life on cruise control. A million worlds have come and gone since I had seen any of those people. I've risen and fallen about as far as I can while still remaining encased in flesh. "Funny ol' world, innit?", I think as I pull into the truck stop where I had my first date, if you can call it that, with my first real love. It's time to shovel up old ghosts again. Let's hope we can do things a little smarter this time...

~Matt Magus

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