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turning writer's block into ranting...meh, works for me


I'm concerned my voice is fading. Not through lack of strength, but a lack of anything new to say. I want to be able to conjure everything that's locked in my head, but that's the problem. The vault of my mind is currently locked up tight. Yet I'm here, forcing myself to make some sort of entry anyway.

So, if we are going to do this, we might as well cock it up good.

That's a really bizarre way to bring up this first topic, but there you are...

Pussy Riot. If you haven't heard this story yet, go out and look it up. Go ahead, right now. I'll be here when you get back.

Read up on it? Good.

I'm not going to pretend that I'm a fan of their music. It sounds like any generic chick punk band, just in Russian, which I don't speak, so I have less interest in their music then I do to listening to Fox radio. And if you haven't guessed by now, I have absolutely zero interest in neo-conservative bullshit propaganda. Do I admire their performance style? Not even a little. They look like spastic cartoon characters on stage, only...well, more like children spastically trying to imitate spastic cartoon characters. Does any of this mean that I think that what happened to these girls was even REASONABLY okay? NOT THE FUCK AT ALL!!!!!! No one should fear expressing themselves for any reason, and more than that no one should fear government arrest for expressing themselves in a SUPPOSEDLY FREE SOCIETY! These girls damaged nothing. These girls harmed no one. There is no excuse for any government to exhibit this sort of behavior. I urge all of you to find ways to bring this affront to civil liberties to more people. Keep giving this story attention, and perhaps someone who has influence with Putin will give him a call and tell him to stop being a limp dick and release these girls. Free Pussy Riot! Do I really think any of what I'm saying is the least bit realistic? Of course not, but fuck it. Doing something is always better than doing nothing, especially in a world where we have entirely given our power to the interchangeable faces of idiotic politicians, none of whom could really give the least shit about our interests.

Speaking of idiot politicians who don't give a shit about you: Rep. Akin: What can one say? Once again a neo-con shows that he has no grasp on reality whatsoever. How can you be surprised or shocked at this point? It would be laughable if it weren't so fucking pathetic. How long is it going to take for the overwhelming majority to finally wake up and realizes that these people are in no mental shape to handle governing? I fully admit that I am a crazy son-of-a-bitch. I can even list out exactly what my diagnoses are, and if you have enough time, I can give you enough examples of my behavior to prove it. I will never run for political office for this and many other reasons. Yet even I know enough about basic biology to know that the reproductive organs function regardless of the intentions of the other party involved. Do not vote for idiots, America! If someone proves himself stupid, do not let him into public office. Didn't you fuckers learn anything for the disaster that was two FUCKING terms of W? Some jackass followed me on twitter yesterday; his profile said that he was a conservative who was looking to restore the greatness of America. If that's the case, buddy, why the fuck do you keep voting for idiot neo-cons? It is their failed yet unyielding grip on one set way of doing things that has made a mess of this country. A mess that obviously is going to take more than four years to clean up. In fact, never allow these kinds of morons into power again. I don't care if you share similar religious beliefs or not. The fact is, if that is your only basis for electing a politician, you should probably re-think your political priorities.

Sure, I'm not happy with everything that the current presidential administration was done, or more accurately, what they haven't done, but I sure as heck don't want to see this country going back to the failed trickle-down crap that didn't work when Reagan was doing it, less so now. I sure as heck don't want to see someone who doesn't understand that an often-failed economic policy is NOT something we should go back to. It is a broken economic system, and they STILL refuse to fix it, and that demonstrates to me a severe inability to understand reality


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