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Funky Origional Deathray


Swimming against the current of life
Is never easy
And unlike salmon
We don't get to enjoy ourselves
When we get where we're trying to go
Most of us just get bitter
Bitter because of the wars we've had to wage
Just to live in peace
Bitter because those that come after us
Don't have to fight nearly as hard
Or so we imagine
What we keep forgetting
Is that none of us
And I mean NONE
Were the very first
There have been millions
Who fought the powers that be
To make our going a little easier
And some of them
Didn't exist long enough
To look back with
An old soldier's mind
Or look forward
To those that came after
With jade jealousy covering thier eyes
And here's a little secret for you
We won't be the last to fight
And whether or not
The young have to fight as fiercly
Isn't even an issue
After all,
Everyone's struggles seem greater
To themselves alone
So now that you've made it this far
Sit back and enjoy the peace you've clawed out for yourself
While giving the best advice you can
To the next soldiers in the ranks
~Matt Magus

P.S. Second poem tonight, go back and read the first...

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