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Weird Weekends


I find myself feeling sorry
For the leader of
The New Black Panthers
He's fighting a war
In a way that's impossible to win
He doesn't realize the size and scope
Of the beast he hunts
He thinks he can take it
Head on
On Its own terms
He hasn't learned
From the mistakes of his predesessors
To kill a monster that size
You have to jump down its throat
And hack away from the inside
Where it is most vulnurable
You have to become Donnie Brasco
Gathering information
It took six years
For the government to take down
Most of the east coast mafia
Yet that monster still lives
How can you expect, Mohammed
To take down that same government
With just a few men with some guns
You've got to infultrate
You've got to subvert
And make small changes
To bring closer your goal
Before you may strike a blow
Calm your cats my friend
And stike only subtle blows
Cause tiny spiderweb cracks
In the infrastructure
Until it finally breaks
Only then can you survive
Only then can you win

I'm not quite sure what made me write this other than the empathy I feel for fighting a lost cause. In order to answer Emily's question about why I was in jail, I offer the following explaination.

On Monday, July 30, I was driving my car down Western heading toward the south side to get something to eat and pick up Miranda's boyfriend at the time, Jessie. As I came to nw 6th, I noticed that my light was green, which suprised me because I usually only hit a green light there one out of one hundred times. As I was going through it, I looked to my left and saw another vehicle coming through the intersection from 6th. There was no time to avoid the accident, me I tried. She hit me hard enough that if I hadn't hit the breaks at the moment that I did, I would not be here to write this.

I looked through my car for the current insurance verification and couldn't find it, so I called my father to bring it to me before the police arrived. After they and the police arrived and "worked" the accident (which just means that they took our information, called it in to the station, and wrote out tickets) I was told that my license had been suspended from a previous ticket. It's a nice thing not to be notified of this sort of thing until an accident, I can assure you (insert sacastic tone here). Thus they took me to jail, where I stayed until Saturday. I only had one fight while I was in there, and that day didn't end up too well. The rest of my time was mercifully boring. Although at times it was so boring that it almost drove me crazy.

P.S.- Who is Red Robot, and why didn't you leave an e-mail address?

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